Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day of Cosplay

So I got another birthday present--Emily gave me a new senbonzakura! ... Okay, then we broke it swordfighting. XD But no worries, it's totally fixable and was completely worth it because it was loads of fun. But anyway, after that, we got to work on some cosplay-making. She bought some clay and she, Lita, Lucy, and I all made our arrancar mask fragments from it. They're still drying and will probably take a few days to do so, but they look pretty freaking awesome at this point. Pictures are up on facebook of the creative process.

In unrelated news, my holiday work schedule is weirder than an Amish paradise at the moment. For some reason, despite that I said I'm only available to work 30 hours a week, they've been scheduling me for 34-36 for the next three weeks. Today I had a 6-1/2 hour shift with a half-hour lunch, which was just weird. Really, what's the purpose of that? O_o

Anyway, I should really force myself to sleep now, because it's almost 5 am and I have to work at 12:30 tomorrow. XD

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life and Stuff

So life goes on, and I just have this one random question... Why are 90% of guys such wusses? I mean, seriously... Not only did my ex only even break up with me in the first place after I brought up the subject... but then he completely and totally avoided me. And now his friends are doing the same thing. Just... seriously? Grow a pair already.

Anyway, I've made pretty much no progress on cosplay recently... but I did turn 19! Yay me, I survived another year! XD Robert is amazing and bought me a DS starter kit and Pokemon Platinum, the only series I've never played. Lita bought me a Hannah Montana poster and a lighter. My mom made me deer jerky, a necklace, and earrings. And Annie brought me back a mini ninja keychain and awesome black-and-red-striped fingerless gloves from Scotland. :) I think that's the most presents I've ever gotten in my entire life, lol. I love all of you guys. <3

So... yeah, since I'm boring, that's pretty much all that's gone down. At least, as far as I can remember? Idk, could be forgetting something. Who really knows, anyway? :P