Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life and Stuff

So life goes on, and I just have this one random question... Why are 90% of guys such wusses? I mean, seriously... Not only did my ex only even break up with me in the first place after I brought up the subject... but then he completely and totally avoided me. And now his friends are doing the same thing. Just... seriously? Grow a pair already.

Anyway, I've made pretty much no progress on cosplay recently... but I did turn 19! Yay me, I survived another year! XD Robert is amazing and bought me a DS starter kit and Pokemon Platinum, the only series I've never played. Lita bought me a Hannah Montana poster and a lighter. My mom made me deer jerky, a necklace, and earrings. And Annie brought me back a mini ninja keychain and awesome black-and-red-striped fingerless gloves from Scotland. :) I think that's the most presents I've ever gotten in my entire life, lol. I love all of you guys. <3

So... yeah, since I'm boring, that's pretty much all that's gone down. At least, as far as I can remember? Idk, could be forgetting something. Who really knows, anyway? :P

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