Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Plotting and Happenstance

Well, I've been neglecting this blog for a while, but I figured, as with most things, I would be more like to utilize it if it connects directly to my smartphone. And voilá--Android market! Oh, how I love thee.

Anyway, I've decided to keep this blog as my cosplay journal, and start a new one for my book reviews... mainly because that way, I'm less likely to spam people who aren't interested.

So what has happened since I last updated? Well, much. I quit my job at Walmart and got a new one at Amazon. Translation in reference to this blog: more money for cosplay! As such, I have two cons planned in the very near future, MomoCon at the end of March and MTAC at the beginning of April. Here are the details on that so far.

For Momo, only my boyfriend Robert and I will be going, and our costumes will be Zoey and the Hunter from Left 4 Dead; Albert Wesker and Jill Valentine from the original Resident Evil; and Alexander Anderson and Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing from Hellsing. Currently, that is the order by day, as well.

For MTAC, we have a group of 3 other friends coming with us, but only one (Emily) cosplaying in theme with us. The costume plans are for a Final Fantasy X group (me as Lulu, Robert as Auron, and Emily as Yuna); a Bleach group (Robert as Arrancar-arc Aizen, me as Loly, and Emily as either Menoly or Orihime); and a Fullmetal Alchemist group (me as Lust and Robert as Greed).

Most of the work for Momo is done, but a lot remains left to do for MTAC, and my sewing machine appears to have picked an opportune time to break down, so I'll keep you posted!

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