Sunday, November 11, 2012

End of Another ABC

Well, another Anime Blast Chattanooga is almost over, and it's gone so fast this year that it's scary. I slept through the end of last night, which upsets me a little because that means I missed the Eric Stuart Band concert. :-/ I guess at least I didn't miss seeing him getting into the elevator while I was adjusting a Misty wig this year though lol.

ABC this year really was a blast. I was Olette from Kingdom Hearts the first day, Zoey from Left 4 Dead the second, and in the morning I will be Jill Valentine from Resident Evil--the original, with the shoulderpads and the beret and all that fun stuff.

The only bad part about ABC so far has been how much it's distracted me from NaNoWriMo. I'm actually participating this year, which is a first for me as I never have enough time. I was keeping pace until this weekend, and even though I've written over 2,000 words this morning, I'm still not caught up. But I will get there if I have to sit out half of the rest of the con!

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