Thursday, March 7, 2013

Epic Rant of Ranting

Okay, seriously. I don't want to read about people's drama anymore, so you know what? Here's some free advice: If your ex cheated on you, delete his ass, burn everything he ever gave you, and move on. Don't keep stalking his page or looking at his photos or letting him try to talk you into trying again. He didn't respect you enough to be loyal to you, so why should you respect him enough to even acknowledge his existence? Don't forget the experience, because it will teach you to guard yourself and that you never want to put another person through the pain he gave to you. But don't EVER, under ANY circumstances, give him the chance to do that to you again. Because he will, and then you'll have to move on anyway, knowing you were naive enough to believe someone who had already proven himself a liar. I know it haunts you, and I know you'll miss the person you thought he was, but someday you'll have that amazing realization. He was a liar, and you deserve better. Period. /endrant

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