Monday, March 11, 2013

Possession is Nine Tenths of My Foot up Your Ass

Okay this is really starting to irk me because I keep seeing it in my timeline... Why do all you girls seem convinced it's perfectly acceptable--and *romantic*, of all things--for a man to literally call you his *possession*? Does Twilight really have everyone so brainwashed that no matter how obviously oppressive and abusive a relationship is, it doesn't matter because you're *so in love*? And I don't want to hear any crap about how you're ugly or stupid or whatever and could never do better. Being alone is better. Trust me, I've been on that boat; it will sink and you will drown if you don't learn to lift your head and love yourself for who you are. You are beautiful and special and deserve better. Don't let any "man" convince you otherwise.

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